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Digital Portraits

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#1 Jwichmann


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Posted 24 February 2007 - 08:41 PM

when i have free time i like to do digital portraits in illustrator, i just mess around mostly, doing pictures of family and friends, so i thought i'd share a few with you all
crits and comments welcome.


self portrait 1
Posted Image

self portrait 2 - regular
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self portrait 2 - inverted
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self portrait 3 - red
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self portrait 3 - black
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self portrait 4
Posted Image

a gift my brother had me do to give to his girlfriend for v-day
Posted Image

and playing with graident mesh seriously for the first time on a friend from myspace(yes shes real)
Posted Image

version B - no mask
Posted Image

#2 oviska


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Posted 13 March 2007 - 02:38 AM

I like your friend from myspace. :D

Seriously now, i really like your work. Keep it up ;)


#3 Jwichmann


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Posted 13 March 2007 - 03:08 AM

thanks, these are fun to do, i'm doing one right now of another myspace friend, and will post when done, its coming out pretty cool. hopefully it will look like layered paper


#4 Nthrax


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Posted 19 March 2007 - 02:32 AM

this is nice stuff ! how come ?

#5 x4lov


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Posted 19 March 2007 - 12:24 PM

I like your friend from myspace. :D

Seriously now, i really like your work. Keep it up ;)


eheh :D

Good jobs, your friend has much dark shade but it's very nice.

#6 aitek


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Posted 19 March 2007 - 02:41 PM

i like your freaky abstract style, way to stray from the norm!

#7 xpressions



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Posted 22 March 2007 - 03:00 PM

Different. I bet they would make nice posters. Creative!

#8 Alneo


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Posted 27 March 2007 - 08:52 PM

Its funky. :D

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