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Feedback on my future website

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#1 Heracles


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Posted 10 September 2006 - 02:43 AM

I'm curently working on my new website to showcase a little portfolio of vector illustrations and would greatly apriciate some feedback. thanx!


#2 nyxxie


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Posted 10 September 2006 - 02:50 AM

I like it a lot. The colors are awesome.

I find my eyes wondering in a bunch places though, mainly the car at the top. It might be too overpowering and draws away from other things.

#3 nevadabadgirl



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Posted 10 September 2006 - 03:56 AM

I like it, the color scheme is great. I have to agree with nyxxie though...the car takes the attention away from where you are going to put your work.
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#4 Heracles


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Posted 12 September 2006 - 02:52 AM

Thanks to both of you! I'll try to do something about the car (the size of it) and i'll post again when all is done...

#5 karansinh


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Posted 12 September 2006 - 12:36 PM

Maybe you can try moving the links from right to the left hand side. It will highlight your services more.



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Posted 12 September 2006 - 05:27 PM

karansinh makes a good point, generally it is a bad idea to put high value content (like menus) on the right side of the screen, because if a user resizes the window, that is the first thing that will be chopped off requiring the user to scroll horizontally to get to the menu...which most users dislike doing

other than that, its a very nice design and the colors are very nice!
Looks like you're gonna incorporate some flash into the header...i'd like to see how that turns out!

#7 Heracles


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Posted 12 September 2006 - 09:54 PM

Thanx for the comments. I'll try to see what I could do with the menu but one thing is sure, I want it to look somewhat different.

Yes INFIN8: I'll incoporate some flah in the header, not an annoying thing that doesn't stop moving and jump up and down but more something a lot more discret that would complement the design.

Here's another section of the site done in another colour and with the rollovers inverted. Let me know what you think :)


#8 karansinh


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Posted 13 September 2006 - 04:11 AM

I think the previous color combination was much better.
The top green bar can be made much better with some gradient color to highlight more depth.
In the logos section, the border box offfset, maybe you can move it below the logo images and see how it looks.
The webpage needs to be properly coded, so as to reduce the download time.
Title shows as "untitled document", always keep an practice of changing the title first and then start coding the webpage design, sometimes u miss it and make the website online as it it.

#9 Heracles


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Posted 13 September 2006 - 09:27 PM

Thanx Karansinh. About the webpage needing to be properly coded, I know, I just put something together fast to have something to look at. For the coulor, I agree with you. I do like the orange much better than the green. I'll try using gradients on the top bar. The title? Yeah I know I should do it first but, I forgot again :rolleyes: thanks to remind me by the way :D

#10 _pw_


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Posted 29 September 2006 - 06:57 PM

First version looks very great! I like it very much. I think You could place image under flash object for people who don't loads flashes. Main menu at right... hmm... Your page code has a lot of bugs, check it:
W3 C Validator

#11 woosh


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Posted 05 October 2006 - 10:14 AM

i prefer the orange one definately more professional looking and yes the navigation needs to be on the left hand side, the car graphic is a little too large it overtakes the page and distracts you from the main things one should be looking at, nice color scheme there

#12 Nicholas


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Posted 08 October 2006 - 10:00 AM

Nyxxie - I agree to an extant with the car maybe being too overpowering, but then again the hover over on the illustrations that changes them to original colors is something that personally grabs my attention and makes me wanna click 'em but they aren't working yet!!!

I would prolly change how the text is on your site though because I know many people, myself included that use google toolbar to right click a page and view it in english. Just an idea I thought I might point out!

Very nice job Heracles!

#13 adambender


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Posted 10 October 2006 - 04:11 PM

I would have to disagree, I think the car in the original layout is the perfect size. It helps the eye focus on one object when i first came to the site. From there my eye was able to explore the page. It's important to have an element that is the "boss" of you page. Nice work.

I can't wait to see the finished product.

#14 Heracles


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Posted 10 October 2006 - 10:53 PM

I would have to disagree, I think the car in the original layout is the perfect size. It helps the eye focus on one object when i first came to the site. From there my eye was able to explore the page. It's important to have an element that is the "boss" of you page. Nice work.

I can't wait to see the finished product.

Well thank you adambender!

To be honest, that's the only comments that I haven't took into consideration. Well, at least not that much. I did resized it a little but barely.

Glad you liked it :)

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