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Quantity of the presented works

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#1 first



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Posted 25 January 2013 - 11:42 AM

Hi designers!
In my opinion the limit on representation of works by designers, is sick imagination of owners of a website.
Each designer knows as good work, sometimes small thought is born grows in the big project. I have an opinion that owners of site DesignContest people simply far from design or at them maniacal opinion on the greatness. There is an old proverb: as though the bird highly did not rise - to fall to it it is necessary on the earth. For last year DesignContest has turned to a dustbin, thanks to rash actions. My opinion. Creativity of any of designers is worthy also anybody except the customer should not to limit quantity of works.

#2 savina


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Posted 25 January 2013 - 08:09 PM

Why are you so angry? I think entry limit woks perfect. If CH likes you work for every entry that he gives you over 30 rating points you get an extra entry. I needed to upload more entries than I can only when I was level 1

#3 sharie



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Posted 25 January 2013 - 08:46 PM


I see you have only been with designcontest.com since Dec of 2012 how do you know how DC was before that time?

Please read through the knoweldgebase as it will help guide you through the levels of designers.

As to why you are so angry... but what you say is very offensive and disrespectful I suggest you have and or gain the knowledge on this site before you start slandering our company and forums

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#4 first



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Posted 01 March 2013 - 02:04 PM


I will answer your question. Me have illegally accused of plagiarism. Would like to see I your reaction to this offensive charge for me!
So it has turned out that it is my second registration. The first time I was registered on your site in May, 2010, but for technical reasons I have been compelled to leave your site and to close the account though at that point in time I occupied 37 step in a rating, had five gold, two silver and one bronze medal. Therefore when possibility again to start to work was presented to me, I have made a fresh start, without reminding of the former works. At present on your site is more my 700 works. I was revolted with the fact of that anybody has not asked me as it could occur, and have simply accused me of plagiarism (larceny). This circumstance also has caused an indignation wave.
And then me in general for a month blocked the account. It is fair???????????????

#5 sharie



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Posted 01 March 2013 - 04:41 PM

All you had to say was that other account was you so this would not have happened

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#6 JPMGraphical



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Posted 02 March 2013 - 07:47 AM

It is strange but you can level up by commenting on forum posts. Seems arbitrary I know. I wish contest holders had to give some grade even just one for something they don't like but thought took some time to make. You should get at least a point for entering. Whatever. I Finally got a logo assessed some points after submitting 14 designs. This site is for the non professional. Or professionals with enough chops to win, and the free time to submit. I think it may be against the code of ethics for naming other contest sights. but I use other ones as well. For me it is not a total loss as I get to build my design portfolio and I have been able to reuse old ideas to build new ones faster. The one I got rated on was a rework of a previous design concept. The thing to note is to make sure the previous contest has ended before reusing elements on a new design. Could make for an ugly conundrum. and possibly a costly one.

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