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Portfolio website, have a look

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#1 Cartageno


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Posted 18 July 2006 - 10:27 AM

this is my portfolio website

any comments are welcome
All the best

#2 Al3x


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Posted 18 July 2006 - 11:36 AM

Hmm...I like the loading time, it's very fast. There's on thing though, there's too many links to click on. You should make your links as tree links(I think there called that). It would save us clicking again and again. Also there's realy nothing much on the template side of things. It's just text on a background.

#3 Cartageno


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Posted 18 July 2006 - 04:58 PM

thanks for your comment, I just want to say that the purpose of my website is only to show my works, so I thaught, because less is more, the website should have a simple structure. The important thing is to point out the colors and the shapes of my work and not the color or the structure of the website in itself, that´s why I chose the "grey" for the background.

#4 nyxxie


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Posted 18 July 2006 - 09:57 PM

I like it. I just think that the text is hard to read against the background. The text should be lighter, I have really good eyes, but I still had to lean forward to grasp it. Maybe its my monitor...

#5 guetizo



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Posted 18 July 2006 - 10:29 PM


Bem vindo à comunidade DC.net!
É sempre com prazer que assinalo o facto de ver alguém de Portugal, e logo do Porto.
Eu próprio sou, mais concretamente, de Valadares, Vila Nova de Gaia. Muito perto. :)

Quanto ao site, gostei... mas o que gostei mais foi o teu trabalho, portanto... Parabéns!
guetizo origin~all portfolio | guetizo's logo~blog (showing new logos!)

#6 Cartageno


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Posted 19 July 2006 - 10:15 AM

Obrigado Guetizo pelas boas vindas, é sempre bom ser recebido por alguém q fale a mesma lingua, apesar de aqui falarmos todos o mesmo, nem que seja Photoshop :)

Tentei dar uma checada no teu trabalho, mas pelos vistos o teu site está em construção. Quando tiver online diz alguma coisa, gostava de dar uma vista de olhos. Se bem que eu ache que já o tenha visto em algum lado, através de outro forum qq, talvez através do Namepros, não sei..

Fica bene ;)

#7 likwidtek


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Posted 19 July 2006 - 01:15 PM

I liked it. I thought it was nice and very artistic. The great thing about showoff site like this is that they don't really have to flow like a normal site. Masthead / nav bar / etc.

I think you were being very creative and it shows.

I think you intentionally made the colors the way you did. But when I first saw it... it took my eye a sec to adjust but then I was like wow. For some reason to me that black lettering popped for me. Not sure if it is because I am on an LCD that is displaying it differently but I can see it great and it looks good to me.

As far as the coding of the pages... mleh. I don't like how everything is in tables... I think you should really learn how to make your page rock with xhtml and css. Also... almost all the pages say "Untitled Document" in the title bar. No me gusta. :p

#8 Cartageno


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Posted 19 July 2006 - 01:42 PM

thanks very much for your detailed comment. I agree in every word you said.
In what is concerned about the code, I really need to find someone to help me out with that. I´m a Graphic Designer ( I deal only with print), not a Webdesigner. In fact this was the first website I have done until now. But in a near future I hope to find someone to improve the coding of my website.

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