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feedback/suggestions ciasicowebdesign.com

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#1 rmc_01


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Posted 12 April 2006 - 09:02 PM

hi, i want to know your comments and suggestions about my website, im a web designer and im planning to start my business on web designing, this is just a static website, im still learning and reading books about php/mysql to make my site dynamic. btw. here's my websitesite http://www.ciasicowebdesign.com

im open for your comments and suggestions to make my website better. thank you.


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Posted 17 April 2006 - 12:28 AM

you know, if you expect to get some feedback, try reviewing some other works first ;)

#3 feros


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Posted 17 April 2006 - 04:04 AM

Very photoshopy.

#4 nevadabadgirl



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Posted 17 April 2006 - 04:19 AM

It looks good, but is full of errors.

When I tried to validate the CSS, it came up with one error on line 114....when I tried to validate the XHTML 1.0 Transitional, it threw 60 errors and several warnings. You can check this out here: http://validator.w3.org/

I then took it to some other tools: At a spider simulator, you scored 63%....or 18 out of 29 points. Most of these are easily remedied by adding keywords, metatags, etc. You can check that out here: http://tools.summitmedia.co.uk/spider/

At a web page optimizer, you had several warnings...you can check them out here and see if you wish to fix them: http://www.websiteop...lyze/index.html

I then went to sitescore and there you received a 6.7, most of the low scores due to no backlinks,etc http://www.silktide....tools/sitescore

All in all, you have a nice site. It just needs some love...you need to have your site properly programmed and optimized for SEO before you sell your services to others, in my opinion.
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#5 feros


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Posted 17 April 2006 - 05:03 AM

Many criteria used by almost all of the "site scoring" sites today are ridiculous. My website scores very low mainly because deaf people have a hard time navigating my page. I apologize for not having a deaf target audience. I also don't have a form. Holy crap. BRB putting a "what's your favorite color?" poll on my website to increase my site rank.

I'm sorry nevada but I hold very little if any weight in these scoring websites. Perhaps the SEO ranking should be taken into some consideration, but as far as validator, site scorer, etc my opinion is if it works in IE, Firefox, and Opera, you're doing fine.

#6 mundosanto


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Posted 17 April 2006 - 05:59 AM

hi, i want to know your comments and suggestions about my website, im a web designer and im planning to start my business on web designing, this is just a static website, im still learning and reading books about php/mysql to make my site dynamic. btw. here's my websitesite http://www.ciasicowebdesign.com

im open for your comments and suggestions to make my website better. thank you.

Colors are light its a good combination, but you must consider what you want to communicate with colors, maybe is too light for the kind of graphics you are using. Other thing is try to unify criteria about the use of fonts, I have found three or four differents kind of fonts I would use no more than two, and try not to use fonts with serif, is hard to read them on screen mainly if you use white letters on yellow background. Fonts without serif are better to read on screen.

Try to change the color of white letter on yellow background, yellow is too hot and vibrate color, dont let the eye to read white elements on it.


#7 nevadabadgirl



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Posted 17 April 2006 - 06:53 AM

Many criteria used by almost all of the "site scoring" sites today are ridiculous

Agreed Feros, but they are always a good tool to look at. It gives you some idea of what's going on.

My main concern would be SEO and 60 errors on this site.
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#8 feros


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Posted 17 April 2006 - 02:24 PM

My main concern would be SEO and 60 errors on this site.

Yea, I agree the SEO one is most important.

#9 rmc_01


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Posted 17 April 2006 - 06:33 PM

Thanks for your suggestions guys! i'll try to fix some errors on my page. actually i just started web designing 6 months and still a newbie. there are some things that i'm not familiar with and i'm working on it. thank you nevadabadgirl for providing me those links!.

#10 nevadabadgirl



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Posted 18 April 2006 - 03:46 AM

Don't kill yourself trying to fix everything for every one of those links...they are good basic guidelines, but you may have to pick and choose which parts are most important for you :)

Best of luck with it!
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#11 apresico



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Posted 19 April 2006 - 02:09 AM

It stands out very much. The only thing that I would like to suggest is that all the text drop shadows make the text hard to read. Like the text over the light yellow is hard to see, and even the drop shadow in the logo. Great job though!

#12 mundosanto


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Posted 19 April 2006 - 01:29 PM

I think is not creativity or the appearence of the website what we need to discuss. Is too hard to evaluate creativity or taste because everyone will have a different opinion. But there are some technical suggestions that need to consider, as use of color, use of fonts, the navigations, difficults to read texts, etc.

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