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#21 colordesign


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Posted 13 March 2006 - 03:42 AM

The point of a poster is to get a message to viewers.
I'll tell you what I did:take a look at it but closed it after 2 second because it hurts my eyes just looking at it.
Sorry :(

#22 Uniment1


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Posted 13 March 2006 - 01:12 PM

lol ..... In the real world I actually get many compliments from it.....;)
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#23 adambender


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Posted 20 March 2006 - 10:32 PM

The guitar illustrations are cool and well done but the whole seems a little busy. Maybe you can remove flashy thing at the background or at least decrease its opacity so the names would be more readable. I would either use the flame effect or the background effect but not both for a sharper look. That is my 2 cents. Congrats for the vector work ! Hope to see more from you.

I agree about the background being too intense. Try making it larger as a means of connecting the background elements, but make it one color and decrease the opacity. It will be noticeable but not so much to distract the eye.

One thing I have learned lately is that you need to decide on the main focus point and make it obvious. All other elements should support the main focus (guitars) but not distract the eye from it.

Also think about how the human eye will move from element to element. Overall, i think the design is cool and the concept is solid. Cool job.

#24 i_travin


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Posted 24 March 2006 - 12:01 PM

jus like many others hav said seems a bit clusted...didnt like the colour of tht spark in hte middle..mayb u can do away with it, u ve got the guitars there after all..sumthin tht i noticed, the top end of the left guitar seemed out of place in the sense kinda away from the centre...

#25 feros


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Posted 24 March 2006 - 03:58 PM

Wow Uniment that is some very impressive vector work. For some constructive criticism I'd say although your vector is pretty amazing, the rest of it seems a little hasty and ill-planned. My opinion would be:

- Bring the guitars to the forefront. They're very nice and you should show them off.
- Remove the explosive shape in the center background. It doesn't fit.
- Extend the fire and photoshop "Guitar Rocks" a little more so that it seems as if it's being burned into the flame.
- Lower the opacity of the background text to make it more ... well in the background rather than the foreground. I would also suggest that you change the font color of the text overlapping the fire, to a dark burgandy perhaps.

These are just my opinions. I just really think you should bring more attention to those well-made guitars.

#26 retlaw


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Posted 24 March 2006 - 04:32 PM

I think feros gave some great critisism. I agree with removing the yellow explosion shape... it really makes things "messy" looking. I don't know about making the background text lighter or anything I think that is a nice feature although the guitars should maybe larger and more "center of attention"... possibly doing more with the flames rather then just straight across the bottom of the poster... maybe they could wrap around a little?

#27 Cartageno


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Posted 14 June 2006 - 04:59 PM

to be honest I don´t like it. it´s too much confusion. if the idea was to represent chaos you did it. I think you should try to build a more simple compostion. Why don´t you try to give more empty sapces to the composition. A good composition have to breath. Don´t forget, "less is more"

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