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#1 K22


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Posted 31 October 2005 - 11:01 PM

How about some feedback on these patches I am designing for jackets?

Let er rip if you think they are lame. If you think they are lame, let me have some of your brain power and some direction. Thanx


#2 takethetrain


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Posted 06 November 2005 - 06:14 PM

this isn't exactly something i'm used to critiquing, but i'll give it a shot! ;)

at first glance, the repetition of "just raise" bothers me (in the url and then in the big letters.) is there a way you could get rid of the url, and maybe sneak in a ".com" after the larger heading?
i'd also suggest either adding detail to the skull, or simplifying the sword thingies--right now they don't match up so well, imo.

#3 K22


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Posted 07 November 2005 - 02:49 AM

Thanks, I am going to play with them some more. That website is in the works and not really out to the public per se. Most of the stuff is just out there to attact Google while I build it. What surprises me is that I got a PR of 3 on it just from placing it on the net and catching a friendly spider.

I think I am going to try what you suggested on the swords. Maybe make them look like a cutlass instead of calvary swords. I also think rotating the larger text to 120 degree increments might look cool. Like a Mercedes logo? and leave the justraise.com in the same place it is.

#4 DtRiCk


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Posted 14 November 2005 - 08:41 PM

I prefer the logo on the right... The banner seems to make it much more eye catching. I would suggest maybe changing around the colors some unless you are being held within specific colors. Fun looking logo though.

#5 exo


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Posted 15 November 2005 - 09:14 PM

Ok, here's what I'd do.

1. make the skull bigger and cooler looking. Make it look cool like this one.
Posted Image

2. Make your swords look cooler, and have them break the circle. So everything is more dynamic. Make them look cool, like this
Posted Image

3. Use a better font. That font looks really helvetica'ish. Find something with some personality.

4. After you make the skull and swords bigger, rethink the banners. Maybe they are wraping from top to botttom. Or maybe the name is all in one banner. Oh, and make them look cooler too. I actually don't mind having "Team Just Raise" in one voice and the .com thing below, but if you do, make sure the .com thing is smaller and separate.

Ok, do all those things and you'll have a really badass badge. You'll have to figure out how to get it all 3 color and stuff, but I can't do everything. Maybe look at some of the military patches and stuff. They do some really cool things on them. Good luck.

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