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state of things

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#1 calvinbii


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Posted 03 October 2005 - 07:05 PM

This weekend my wife was sitting at a stop light, when it turned green she didn't start off fast enough for the car behind her, so he intentionally rammed into her, when she slowed down to figure out what had happened he ran into her again to prove his point, when she started to pull off the road, he sped around her and took off, she drove after him, got his plate #, he was arrested and took to jail. I live in a sleepy little town in UT. My wife wasn't hurt physically but feels attacked. How long ago was stuff like this surprising and rare, and since we are on an art based forum, do you think this kind of attitude is finding its way into creative mediums, commercial art specifically?

#2 chromeguy


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Posted 16 January 2006 - 07:45 PM

Like movies and videogames? Yeah.
Sometimes you feel like a nut, other times, you just look like one...

#3 rucker


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Posted 16 January 2006 - 08:47 PM

Hmm, I'm not exactly sure what you are referring to within the Creative Industries.

Commercial Art has always been and always will be competitive. There will always be an amount of aggressiveness. I don't think we'll be ramming pencils into one another's backside any time soon but I can assume that the competitive flares might increase.

A deeper question which may answer your question is whether or not the "Universal Creative Juices" are starting to run dry. When you think about it, there's an endless cycle of...well, recycling. For example: with Logos, there's only so many ways that you can use a simple swoosh without it being boring, redundant, or copyright by someone. I think this 'running out of ideas' may have an impact on the increase of competitive flares.

I'm speaking out of opinion, and am no scholar of the Art Community nor the Creative Industries. The world, as a whole (and especially the societies in majority focus: Western, European, Asian) however is increasing in aggressiveness.

I think it's in the water.

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