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Designer rating points

designers rating points

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Posted 08 April 2012 - 01:33 PM

Guys, I would like to bring up this discussion so that we would make the designer rating points system a little bit more flexible. What I mean is that it seems to be working well, the points are added for each rated or winning entry, but what bothers me is that once you have reached the top of the list (20,000+ points) you stay there for a very long time and it is really difficult for new designers to get there and be noticed even if they are working very hard.

So I was thinking that we could make some changes to the system so that it would substract some number of points for a period of inactivity (say 1 week). The question is how many points should we substract? 300? 500?

Share your thoughts on how we could make the rating points reflect more the efforts of the designers who are active in the contests at the moment.

#2 sharie



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Posted 08 April 2012 - 04:18 PM

I think 300 a week would work great, it would be good to also subtract a certain amount after 2 months of no contest activity, this would be something that would drop them from the top 10 or 15.

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#3 Vickyb


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Posted 29 May 2012 - 03:38 PM

I agree. Think it would really be good for designers morale if they feel they have more of a chance of reaching the top.


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Posted 29 May 2012 - 07:29 PM

guys, this is an important topic it concerns all the DC designers and there are thousands of you out there. We need you to speak up and tell us how would you want to change the rating system so that it would become more flexible.
Otherwise, it is the administrative team who will have to build the new system. We don't mind that, but if you participate at this point I guarantee you that it will be much more designer-friendly.

#5 Manju



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Posted 31 May 2012 - 08:34 AM

For me, it's a NICE idea to subtract points from designer's rating points. And I think 300 points per week would be a nice option. This will also make the designers in the top bracket to remain connected to contests on DC as well as they will also try their best to be active participants here.

#6 sharie



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Posted 31 May 2012 - 04:36 PM

Manju, You are 100% on the money, why reach top then leave

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#7 Manju



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Posted 01 June 2012 - 08:57 AM

Manju, You are 100% on the money, why reach top then leave

NOT WORTH REPLYING BACK, but if you all really want to make the ranking system for designers rational then you may change the basis of ranking of designers from rating points to the no. of awards or medals won. The number of awards show how much talent the designer has, whether it's a new designer or an old one, medals will reflect his/her hard work.This way the new designers by working hard can come up on the chart easily, without waiting for a lot of time to get 20000+ rating points. Rating points can come into play just when two designers have exactly the same amount of medals won.
Thank You!
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#8 like an angel

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Posted 01 June 2012 - 10:23 PM

Manju here reminded me of a very important point about rating system, which i remember mentioning it to you guys before. it REALLY annoyes me how much rating points a designer can get from submitting the same design over & over with just minor changes the CH requested. i've seen designers getting 95+ points like 30 times in the same contest. it's CRAZY.

I remember one contest that the ch was soooo generous he gave more than 90 point to to every design & give ultimate amount of tries. some designers ranked really high thanks to this contest alone.

Hope for a system can manage how many rating points a designer can get from one contest, i feel that it's unfair to designers who really worked for it.

♥ Selma ♥
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Posted 01 June 2012 - 10:32 PM

NOT WORTH REPLYING BACK, but if you all really want to make the ranking system for designers rational then you may change the basis of ranking of designers from rating points to the no. of awards or medals won. The number of awards show how much talent the designer has, whether it's a new designer or an old one, medals will reflect his/her hard work.This way the new designers by working hard can come up on the chart easily, without waiting for a lot of time to get 20000+ rating points. Rating points can come into play just when two designers have exactly the same amount of medals won.
Thank You!

I will still reply, just to say that I agree, it would be probably the easiest solution to make the rating reflect the talent and hard work of the designers. Let's think about the details - should we count total number of the medals or just gold (and in the case of the same number take into account silver and gold)?

#10 Manju



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Posted 02 June 2012 - 08:27 AM

I don't think that taking just the number of gold into account will be nice as some of the designers have won a lot of silver but a very less amount of gold and this does not mean that they are not capable of winning instead it can be said that they just couldn't finish it nicely.So for me, counting the total number of medals would be a nice choice.

And if two designers have exactly the same number of medals, then the number of gold won by the designers may decide who will be at the top; now if they have same number of gold too then no. of silver can be taken into account and then bronze. On top of it if two designers have exactly the same number of gold, silver and bronze then ranking should be done according to the rating points of the designers.


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 12:25 AM

new thread about rating points has been started here.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: designers, rating points

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