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Use a vector clipart and WIN ??!!

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#1 Brendox



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Posted 04 February 2012 - 03:12 PM

Hello, I didn't know where to start this thread so please excuse me posting it here..
I want everybody to see that this designer "Smart26" has used only clipart from other websites in his designs at the contest "Drill it - Well and Pump Services"; I reported him last night but in the morning he won the contest.
His winning entry is #124 wich can be found here:
Logo Design for New company logo for water well drilling and pump service company - DesignContest.com
He used directly the presure watch clipart from here:
Pipeline Pipe | Stock Illustration | iStock
He used directly the water splash clipart from here:
Water Drops and Splashes Vector | Free Download
Now the water splash is the same as the second image in the first line in the link above an also as the fourth image in the second line.
From the begining it was obvious that he used vector clipart because a good designer can see that, not to mention aboute the other designs in his portofolio where he used a lot of clipart...
Now he won the contest and I hope that 'designcontest' will take actions for this designer..
So what do you think abute this?

#2 sharie



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Posted 04 February 2012 - 06:25 PM

I sent message to the contestholder, he is fully aware of the clipart in this design, I had removed the entries last night but the ch was determined to have this design. The ch is aware about copyright situation with this design.

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#3 strdesign



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Posted 04 February 2012 - 07:14 PM

How is it possible to use cliparts and still win ? Isn't forbbiden and against the rules of the website?

#4 Brendox



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Posted 04 February 2012 - 07:23 PM

Then he did a great job...this designer is a member since January 25th 2012 and in one week he won a contest with vector clipart, not to mention his work portofolio wich has a lot of great clipart stuff... it takes me only 10 minutes to find all the clipart he used on google, this designer should be banned and the "drill it" contest should be extended, I think that will be fair for all because me and some other designers really do work for a contest...

#5 sharie



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Posted 04 February 2012 - 08:04 PM

The designer is banned

as far as the drill it contest...there is NOTHING we can do, as I said I talked with the ch about this and this is what he wants. The ch is completely aware of the clipart issue.

The ch will not reopen the contest or extend it, he has the design he wants and I can't change his mind

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#6 libbyelliott


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Posted 06 February 2012 - 10:27 PM

If you have any design education what-so-ever, it's very easy to see which designs are using clip art. Unfortunately, designcontest.com does not moderate their contests very well. It's the moderator's job to remove the entries that don't follow the rules. The bottom line is DC gets their slice of the pie no matter what, even if they treat the designers that work for them unfairly, or allow their customers to purchase infringed designs.

In a perfect world, DC wouldn't release the uploaded files to the CH. They would give the option of re-opening the contest again, or refunding the CH's money. That's the ethical thing to do. However, sometimes ethics don't equal dollar signs.

#7 sharie



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Posted 06 February 2012 - 10:39 PM

We do moderate our contests but we have to have proof of the clipart, that means the link to where the clipart is found. You have NO idea how many designs are removed from contests that have clipart and you have NO idea how many designers have been banned and or marked with 50 point infractions for using clipart. Your statement about DC not moderating is not right.

As far as this contest in question... If you read what was said above you will see the entries were removed and this is what the contest holder wanted, the contest holder was fully aware of the clipart issues with the winning design. This means the ch takes on full responsibility of the use of clipart.

No DC doesn't get their slice no matter what.

Edited by sharie, 06 February 2012 - 10:43 PM.

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#8 sharie



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Posted 06 February 2012 - 11:36 PM

I would also like to point out that some contests will have clipart in them.....non logo contests and contests where the design is for personal, not to be resold will have some clipart as long as the ELUA allows it. for example there is a contest right now that is a blackbelt certificate...this type of contest allows the use of clipart for the reasons I mentioned...not resold and for personal use. It is always important to check the ELUA though . The ELUA is different on each

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#9 libbyelliott


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Posted 10 February 2012 - 01:11 PM

I understand that there are a lot of entries removed from contests that I never see. I also understand that some are not removed that should be. For instance, the Logo Design Contest - Dog photographer needs logo for cover of book THE DOGS OF NANTUCKET contest has approx. 18 entries that should be removed for using photographs. I'm not sure if you count using live trace in illustrator as still be a photograph or not. Even the design with the highest rating uses a live traced photograph. Again, I'm not very clear on if this is allowed in logo contests or not. In my opinion, it shouldn't be.

I contribute to a stock photography site. My images are bought all the time. However, just because someone buys it, doesn't mean they own it or that they can do what they want with it. Unless you purchase the rights to a stock image you can not use that image in a logo. It is copyright infringement and it is against the law- not to mention, in extremely poor taste. My best analogy for this is, I can't knowingly (and even unknowingly) sell you a tv that is stolen. Even though I wasn't the one who actually stole it, I am still breaking the law by selling it to you. Copyright law isn't as black and white as this kind of law, but essentially it's still stealing and reselling.

As artists who have and will create art and design to make a living, I don't see how you can stand idle, knowing you just ripped another artist off.

#10 sharie



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Posted 10 February 2012 - 04:03 PM

The contest you mention is NOT a logo contest. cliparts are allowed in non logo contests as long as the EULA says that it can be used for such purpose. Photos are used in book cover all the time. Again this will depend on the EULA.

How are we ripping off an artist? NO one is forcing you to participate in the contests As I said the nantucket contest is NOT a logo contest, rules are different for non logo contests.

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#11 libbyelliott


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Posted 10 February 2012 - 06:24 PM

If it's not a logo contest, then don't put it under "Logo Design". The very first line says "Dog Photographer needs logo for cover of book." If it's a book jacket design contest then move it to Print Design. Then we would all be clear as to what is allowed and not allowed. My confusion is solely based on your site's inability to list things in the proper category.

However, if you read the brief it doesn't sound like the CH wants a cover design. "Want to be able to superimpose logo over full page photo." This is quoting the brief. So this isn't a logo contest???

Now I am even more confused.

Edited by libbyelliott, 10 February 2012 - 06:29 PM.

#12 sharie



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Posted 10 February 2012 - 07:11 PM

It is not our inability to list the contests in correct categories, the contest holder chooses this...not us. I have talked with this contestholder....the ch was unsure what was needed for the book cover. I told her it should go under print or other but the ch was determined to place in logo category because they felt it would get the most response out of designers. If you are unsure what is needed in the design then use the comment area on the contest page..that is what the comment area is for.

What I don't understand is your negative attitude about designcontest............

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#13 libbyelliott


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Posted 10 February 2012 - 10:26 PM

I'm not being negative. I'm frustrated with banned members winning contests, contests in a category that doesn't fit the contest (after all, the type of contest does dictate the type of submissions), and the subsequent indifference from the people that run this site.

#14 sharie



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Posted 10 February 2012 - 10:45 PM

closing this thread

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