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My Website

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#1 Pedro


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Posted 10 December 2009 - 12:58 PM

hello guys,

I've finished the construction of my website a few time ago.

You can check it at home_page

i would really like to ear from you about it and the work it shows.

thanks for you feedback


#2 glyphica



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Posted 11 December 2009 - 09:11 AM

I really like the layout of the site, it's very clean and eye catching! The only suggestion I have is that I feel when you first enter the sight the pictures are moving a little fast to me, it makes my eyes spin a little:p and it's just a little hard to tell what the images are are when they are coming by so quickly. Other than that I really liked it :)


#3 ZukiH



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Posted 11 December 2009 - 09:56 AM

Hello Pedro and Welcome to DC!

I kinda agree with glyphica, the pictures are moving to fast :p

Wimage is your private project or a company?

#4 Pedro


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Posted 11 December 2009 - 12:17 PM

thanks for your feedback, and i recognize what you mean about the speed of the photos, i sense that to, but i keep pushing taking care of that.

many thanks,

best regards,

#5 Pedro


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Posted 11 December 2009 - 12:28 PM

Wimage, start as a side project, but is fast evolving to a company, it's going well with challenges of course but it's making it's way... i hope..

best regards,

#6 rapanui


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Posted 11 December 2009 - 01:03 PM

Very nice site, all in style. The black background combined with the minimal color palette you used give a very professional, classy and sophisticated feel to the site.

I also had a bit of trouble with the scrolling pictures when you first enter the site, not so much for the speed (or I guess you could slow it down a little) but rather for the smoothness of the scrolling effect. It may be my browser, but the movement was rather jumpy and not quite as smooth as it could be.

Anyway, these are only mere details, because the rest of the site is excellent and your photos are really good. Parabéns!

Best of luck for the future and with your new company : )

#7 shefshef019


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Posted 11 December 2009 - 02:26 PM

I really like the overall site layout, but I have to agree with the majority that the scrolling images are a little too fast, and a little rickety (it reminds me of looking out the window on a train). Other than that, I think you have a great site and some excellent work, especially your photos!

One last thing: the title of your page is "home_page" so you may want to change it to something more unique, like the name of your site. Very minor issue, but I always like the titles to clearly identify a site.
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