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portfolio redesign (not yet coded)

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#1 deleted member

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Posted 16 November 2009 - 06:49 PM

well after months of putting this off my website is finally ready to start coding... which means it'll be done in... oh about another 6 months (maybe sooner) :p

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#2 HWorks


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Posted 17 November 2009 - 04:54 PM

Interesting. Might be more interesting with some very small red elements. I like the overall design btw :)

#3 Coy


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Posted 17 November 2009 - 05:59 PM

First: Diggin the new Logo, but feel I've seen something similar, but heck just about everything starts looking the alike after a while. LOL..

Second: I like the site's layout the use of negetive space and the overall use of only 2 colors(one really). I prefer the orange over the light blue you were using before.
Now get it coded, up and running :)

#4 deleted member

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Posted 17 November 2009 - 07:49 PM

@SliverFX - not sure about the red...but thx!

@coy - thanks! Idk if I've ever seen something like this... but your right there's only so many simple designs you can do lol. And thanks about the website! I like the orange a lot better too. I'll work on the coding :) ... might take a while now.

#5 ray of light

ray of light

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Posted 19 November 2009 - 11:58 PM

My oppinion is that it needs a little more black or dark brown accents (depends on the color that you used under the plant symbol, I can't realise if it's dark brown or black :) ), in order to create a more visible contrast, to capture the attention.

#6 deleted member

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Posted 20 November 2009 - 02:11 AM

My oppinion is that it needs a little more black or dark brown accents (depends on the color that you used under the plant symbol, I can't realise if it's dark brown or black :) ), in order to create a more visible contrast, to capture the attention.

I'm not sure what you really mean? you want me to add colors from my logos onto the rest of the design so they blend in better? the reason i designed my portfolio in one color is that the work thats shown on it would stand out... hope that makes sense

#7 Concussion


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Posted 20 November 2009 - 07:12 AM

I agree with the positive comment about negative space above. My suggestion would be not to add colors to the pages (I think that might cheapen the style), but maybe different colors between pages. Add a muted green or gray-blue instead of orange, but keep the monochrome/whitespace theme. Then your site will have continuity of style, but also won't be so overwhelmingly orange.

#8 TheNutz



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Posted 26 November 2009 - 11:08 AM

this color is killing me :) you need more contrast, orange and white is ok but too much is too much try add some contrast color to guide the visitors eyes.
ah, and work previews should be smaller, i think.

#9 rapanui


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Posted 08 December 2009 - 01:54 AM

Sweet design.

this color is killing me :) you need more contrast, orange and white is ok but too much is too much try add some contrast color to guide the visitors eyes.
ah, and work previews should be smaller, i think.

No offence to TheNutz but I think having it all in just two colors (actually one) with orange and white (up to the bio photo) is great. It's very unique and it's kind of like your trademark. I personally wouldn't change it.
I also agree with Coy, the use of negative space gives a great feel to the site, and helps bring out the orange even more.

I like the site's layout the use of negative space and the overall use of only 2 colors(one really).

Great work and good luck with the coding : )

#10 deleted member

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Posted 08 December 2009 - 02:39 AM

@rapanui - Thanks! I really like to design simply and I feel this site shows that effectivly.

@theNuts - Thanks for your input. I've been getting mixed reactions from my design. I think its a love/hate thing :) I did lighten up the orange a little bit, which helped, But I'm pretty set on the color scheme. I also made the previews work more effectively. thanks again.

#11 glyphica



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Posted 13 December 2009 - 09:16 AM

I like the simplicity and clean fonts... it is soothing to look at. I really like the orange and white you have going on. I think your right it makes your designs in full color "pop" more. I think I would make the orange just a tad darker to give more contrast between the orange and white, but that might just be a personal preference. All in all nice work! :)

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