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#1 Dongerz


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Posted 20 January 2009 - 01:47 AM

Hi everyone. It's been so long since I've had to show a portfolio. I merely uploaded most of my work from the past year. Please let me know if there is anything you think I should show more of and also what you think I should show less of. All critique, good or bad, is appreciated. I believe good critiques are only good for the ego, while bad critiques are great for growth, so please be brutally honest. I've just gotten into website design so please forgive the crudity of mine. It's a work in progress.


#2 PixelFuze


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Posted 20 January 2009 - 04:26 AM

First off I'd say you fix some of the coding, and make sure everything lines up. After that I'd say work on making sure everything looks like it belongs there. When I first saw the homepage I was a bit confused. Maybe take the white out of things you can choose (Logos, Print, T-shirts). Another idea would be to add more of a graphic element to the website. Maybe the navigation?

Just some suggestions ;).

#3 Dongerz


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Posted 20 January 2009 - 05:30 AM

First off I'd say you fix some of the coding, and make sure everything lines up. After that I'd say work on making sure everything looks like it belongs there. When I first saw the homepage I was a bit confused. Maybe take the white out of things you can choose (Logos, Print, T-shirts). Another idea would be to add more of a graphic element to the website. Maybe the navigation?

Just some suggestions ;).

PixelFuze- Thanks for your response. Yes I know the actual site needs a ton of work. The website is still in the construction stage and no where near finished. I just needed to get a portfolio page up on the web. I was actually hoping for a review on the scope of my sample work not the website itself. If you get a chance please respond about my sample work. Thanks:)

#4 Chung Dha

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Posted 20 January 2009 - 08:58 PM

Top banner need to be fixed its very grainy and pixelated, also don't show menu's to pages which does not exist just at those later when you do have those. Would also use a white background cause of plenty of design you have with white to make it better too look at your designs. The only logo I like from your portfolio is trout works and JC kids, the rest are not all that. I would remove allot of them only show the best. I see some different logo some made from photoshop and some are vectors. The ones made with vector are the best, you should remove the ones you have made with photoshop.

Also the icons in your portfolio to the other pages are not that great and you do have skills to make better icons.

#5 awhipl



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Posted 21 January 2009 - 04:50 AM

Like others are saying, the main problem I see is that your site doesn't reflect the talent that your actual work does :p

#6 cesco


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Posted 14 March 2009 - 12:43 PM

you should test your header for all resolutions on my resolution (1600) it is only at half.

#7 .:FMD


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Posted 16 March 2009 - 02:52 PM

I want to say that you have an abundance of designs. That can be a good thing or a bad thing. You should technically choose your best designs for each and also put them in order from probably your strongest first since someone may not actually take a look at the entire page.

Also you should have descriptions of the work, who it was done for and why. Last thing make the images when you click on them a little bit bigger...your images are too small or atleast the ones that I clicked on were.

Maybe look into using lightbox (which is free) or some other kind of gallery. Also seeing all the different sizes of images doesnt guide the eye very well. try and make all the thumbnails the same size. I think that might clean it up quite a bit. Don't be worried about cropping some of the images, just crop it enough to see the main design.

Hope this helps yah!

#8 Bernadette



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Posted 16 March 2009 - 03:18 PM

u do good effort in your designs
show it off in a nice presentation
and choose only the best work dont put too much designs online

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