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please review my new sites....how can i make them faster?

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#1 crimsonvortex


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Posted 26 December 2008 - 04:17 PM

hello guys,
I just got started in web designing. I have finished loading two sites. and they are very very slow to load. They are flash sites published in html and then called in dreamweaver for loading. We have used AS2 for coding in flash. It is single file of 3.2 and 2.8 MB respectively. Is that two heavy for a website. How do i make these sites faster without removing the animation or losing on the quality of images i have used. I have tried to go as low as possible for the images.

PLease help me make these sites faster.
Crimson Vortex – Branding, Graphic design, Web Architecture, Animation, Content Management.....
Tirthanjali-Preschool Playschool (Gentle Beginnings...)


#2 Chung Dha

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Posted 26 December 2008 - 05:26 PM

Would had already clicked away after few seconds takes really long to load plus your loader sound is irritating. Advice for your design the cubes you can easily had made with vectors and would have loaded much faster. Plus you need to use external images, I mean load pictures outside of flash now you have pictures preloaded making it way to long load from the start. People rather have short between loads.

Second website is plain ugly and also both really takes too much time to acces the needed info the people want to get from the website. You need to learn to have better interface to get faster around the website. Also loose the intro nowadays nobody does intro because everyone hates them. Only sites that may have some intro are movies but those intro are often directly the trailer of the movie.

#3 gdeetan



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Posted 09 January 2009 - 05:32 AM

2nd link doesn't work.

For your question

"Is that two heavy for a website. How do i make these sites faster without removing the animation or losing on the quality of images i have used. I have tried to go as low as possible for the images."

- Yes, 3 MB is big for a website. What you can do is divide the animations into sets of "modules" meaning you'll have a different "module" for the layout, a different "module" for the content and so on. That way you can show the user a preview of your website while waiting for the content to load. And yes, ditch the intro, frankly most users skip this. Use vector images whenever you can, this saves on space and bandwidth. For images, it doesn't need to be a 100%, you can do with 85% quality most of the time.


#4 crimsonvortex


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Posted 14 January 2009 - 02:05 PM

thanks everyone for reviewing my sites.
I have removed the intros and coneverted the images to vectors. the sites open much faster now.
The other link is dead as i have removed the site for correction. Soon i will post the link here for review.
You can check Crimson Vortex – Branding, Graphic design, Web Architecture, Animation, Content Management..... (a much faster and a crisper version)
Thanks for the tips, they helped tons

#5 Chung Dha

Chung Dha


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Posted 19 January 2009 - 07:02 AM

Don't use comic sans is make it look way too cheap.

#6 crimsonvortex


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Posted 19 January 2009 - 12:31 PM

I haven't used any comic sans anywhere.We have just used cityblueprint (font) which is a part of our house style.

#7 Chung Dha

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Posted 19 January 2009 - 02:25 PM

Its basicly the same type of font, it looks allot like comic sans and cause of that it looks very cheap and also does not fit the design. Also its an unpleasant typeface to read. Use a more basic kind of font like verdana , arial or helvectica.

You have a all high techy design with revolving cubes and your using a font that a comic artist would use in a speech bubble.

#8 DanielDesign


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Posted 28 January 2009 - 06:00 AM

The cube animations are kinda neat. One thing I noticed was that your art background on the intro looks pretty low res as well as the cubes on "we have done".

#9 max4999


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Posted 25 February 2009 - 07:00 AM

hello guys,
I just got started in web designing. I have finished loading two sites. and they are very very slow to load. They are flash sites published in html and then called in dreamweaver for loading. We have used AS2 for coding in flash. It is single file of 3.2 and 2.8 MB respectively. Is that two heavy for a website. How do i make these sites faster without removing the animation or losing on the quality of images i have used. I have tried to go as low as possible for the images.

PLease help me make these sites faster.
Crimson Vortex – Branding, Graphic design, Web Architecture, Animation, Content Management.....
Tirthanjali-Preschool Playschool (Gentle Beginnings...)


see the flash animations do have bigger sizes. i would suggest you to use one of the few web animation software 3DMLW editor called QuantumHog...it is an open source community product and very easy to use. you can create web based animations of very small size by using this software.

#10 T Graphics

T Graphics

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Posted 25 February 2009 - 01:12 PM

I like the feel of the site but it has an unfinished feel to it... also the text on your navigation is hard to read.

Nice work though.

#11 mashke


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Posted 17 March 2009 - 08:26 AM

I don't like the first one loads to long and you didn't payed to much attention to details,
The cubes could be all vector, choose better flash font and aligning of navigation makes it very hard to read.

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