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My portfolio

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#1 DucKy


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Posted 10 July 2008 - 01:05 PM

hey im new here and I saw everyone else had portfolios so I made a portfolio site today i'm still learning so it's not good.

#2 kshdzines


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Posted 10 July 2008 - 03:32 PM

hey im new here and I saw everyone else had portfolios so I made a portfolio site today i'm still learning so it's not good.

Hey there, Ducky...:) I think you have a pretty good start here. I like the simple scroll thru, and I like the colors. I think after you get it spruced up some with more content it will be nice, although I do have one suggestion on the fonts... find a different one. The links, I feel personally, should be a Verdana, Arial, Times New Roman, etc., type of font. I like script fonts like you have for the Heading, but when I see it for links it makes me nervous...:p The Header Name is ok, but it looks a little jagged around the edges. ;) Maybe you can smooth that up a tad?

Great start, Ducky!
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#3 Winter artwork

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Posted 11 July 2008 - 06:57 PM

^^^good advice

look at as many portfolio sites as you can to get inspiration

#4 atondex


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Posted 14 July 2008 - 10:57 AM

I like the introduction phrase on the main page :

"Welcome to my portfolio site. I just design stuff in Photoshop for fun."

Simple and honest !

#5 DucKy


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Posted 23 July 2008 - 12:42 PM

thanks for the comments everyone. I'm making a better portfolio site now i'll post that when it's done

#6 Needforname


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Posted 24 July 2008 - 02:23 AM

Ducky..you may want to consider removing the banner from your portfolio site. It's unprofessional looking in my opinion. I've read interviews from top graphic designers who advise against it as well. Check out the plugin from http://www.medialab.com . It's a photoshop plugin that allows you to create websites directly from photoshop. It's awesome if you don't want to mess with html or Dreamweaver. I created my site with it, and I think it turned out pretty good. Let me know what you think: http://www.getyourgraphics.com

#7 DucKy


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Posted 24 July 2008 - 09:13 AM

Ducky..you may want to consider removing the banner from your portfolio site. It's unprofessional looking in my opinion. I've read interviews from top graphic designers who advise against it as well. Check out the plugin from http://www.medialab.com . It's a photoshop plugin that allows you to create websites directly from photoshop. It's awesome if you don't want to mess with html or Dreamweaver. I created my site with it, and I think it turned out pretty good. Let me know what you think: http://www.getyourgraphics.com

your website looks heaps good the graphic designs are awesome! Yea that plug in would be good for me since i don't code properly i just slice it then open it in dreamweaver thanks for that.

#8 Needforname


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Posted 24 July 2008 - 03:38 PM

Thank you. I hope you find it as useful as i did. Oh yeah, their customer service is top notch. If you have a question (which you will), they are on it within a couple of hours usually.

#9 kshdzines


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Posted 26 July 2008 - 06:04 PM

Ducky..you may want to consider removing the banner from your portfolio site. It's unprofessional looking in my opinion. I've read interviews from top graphic designers who advise against it as well. Check out the plugin from http://www.medialab.com . It's a photoshop plugin that allows you to create websites directly from photoshop. It's awesome if you don't want to mess with html or Dreamweaver. I created my site with it, and I think it turned out pretty good. Let me know what you think: http://www.getyourgraphics.com

I love the look of your site:cool: Actually, I just downloaded a tutorial on doing site templates in PS. I have seen some nice stuff in PSD temps. I work in Dreamweaver (all 3 8, MX & CS3). I just got my portfolio back up after it being down all week...:( I changed servers and had to mover 5 sites, so I haven't been here much lately:o.

Anyway...very nice need!
"My Vision is to be able to give to you, "Your Vision"

#10 Needforname


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Posted 26 July 2008 - 11:44 PM

Thanks kshdzines! I checked out your site. Cool stuff. I need to learn flash like yourself. Dreamweaver bored me and seems pretty confusing to learn. That is why I use Sitegrinder. It would be nice to be able to learn a bit of code and Dreamweaver, but I'm more of a graphic design guy, and it just wasn't me.

I'm with ya on the psd templates. I like em because I can edit them in photoshop. Do you know where to get some cool free psd templates? I've found some around, but they were pretty lame. I know the torrent sites have some good ones. Hey, I'm from tennessee too!

#11 kshdzines


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Posted 26 July 2008 - 11:59 PM

I love the look of your site:cool: Actually, I just downloaded a tutorial on doing site templates in PS. I have seen some nice stuff in PSD temps. I work in Dreamweaver (all 3 8, MX & CS3). I just got my portfolio back up after it being down all week...:( I changed servers and had to mover 5 sites, so I haven't been here much lately:o.

Anyway...very nice need!

I will definitely keep my eyes open for you. I am always browsing for templates...:cool: I have tons of them, but the key is getting them all together... I have 320 gigs of files...LOL, becoming a nightmare. I hate trashing anything, who knows, may need it one day...:p
"My Vision is to be able to give to you, "Your Vision"

#12 Needforname


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Posted 27 July 2008 - 12:07 AM


Edited by Needforname, 20 August 2008 - 08:07 PM.

#13 kshdzines


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Posted 27 July 2008 - 01:14 AM

Dang...that's a lot. Maybe we can trade? Send a couple of dvds by mail? I've downloaded a few gigs worth, but not that much. A lot of them were weak, so I saved the better ones. But I've got a bunch of very nice royalty free images, fonts, etc.

Do you use a external hard drive or just back your stuff up to dvd? I'm on a Mac, and I use a program called SuperDuper to help me backup my computer drive to the external drive. All my favorites stuff I burn to dvd, so I always have 2 copies of everything :) I even burn duplicates of those dvds and leave them at my brothers house in case I ever had a fire, or burglary. Probably a bit paranoid, but it would suck to lose everything. Blue ray discs would be the way to go, but I don't want to spend what they're asking right yet.

Man, I'm hoping they will accept me to this site. I just submitted my second application a couple of days ago. I'm still confused at this one... In the showoff section of this site, I listed my portfolio for critique. My headline was "Portfolio Site plus FREE downloads". I figured that would get more people to check out my portfolio; thus more critiques.

The owner of this site wrote back and said I'm not ready to be a designer, and that there's a difference between "showoff" and "advertise yourself". I don't get it. I wasn't trying to sell anything. I never mentioned selling anything. I was just offering free images to other users. I was trying to help other designers, since it is hard to find good free images for their projects...and at the same time have people check out my portfolio. It's not like our websites aren't listed below every post anyway. And it's not like the readers of my post weren't going to check out my site anyway. Isn't that the whole purpose of the "showoff" section? A user goes on there to view other peoples portfolios. Why else would they be there?

I will probably get a warning or something for even bringing this up. It just seems lame that he said I'm not ready because of that. So, I will probably get rejected once again and have to wait another 2 months or whatever the wait is. The first rejection was because I didn't have enough vector art and logos in my portfolio.

Well, you see my start date for membership...:rolleyes: I have tried and still not in. Not real sure what to think of all this. He has said some things to me in the past that really hurt my feelings and he did apologize, so I hung around here for a couple weeks and I was still never accepted. Figured I had more to learn or something, so I've been working at strengthening my skills for almost 4 years now, (although I have been in the graphics and photographic field for over 30 years), I guess its still not up to their expectations. I put in an application over a week ago and still have not heard back from anyone...:confused:
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#14 kshdzines


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Posted 27 July 2008 - 01:16 AM

Well, you see my start date for membership...:rolleyes: I have tried and still not in. Not real sure what to think of all this. He has said some things to me in the past that really hurt my feelings and he did apologize, so I hung around here for a couple weeks and I was still never accepted. Figured I had more to learn or something, so I've been working at strengthening my skills for almost 4 years now, (although I have been in the graphics and photographic field for over 30 years), I guess its still not up to their expectations. I put in an application over a week ago and still have not heard back from anyone...:confused:

I do have an external I work off of...;)
"My Vision is to be able to give to you, "Your Vision"

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