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My first personal logo...feedback please! :-)

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#1 Gck2702


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Posted 16 May 2008 - 06:22 PM

Hi, so I am a new graphic designer
(or I'm trying to be...my application for the Design Team Membership is taking a while..hehe)

I have decided to make myself a personal logo
(very elementary, for I am elementary)
My initianls are CK, so it is currently just CK designs.

Please leave feedback,

#2 baiskee


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Posted 16 May 2008 - 10:08 PM

I like it. specially the word designs...

but the "G" in GCK is quite confusing.

that's just my opinion.

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#3 baiskee


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Posted 16 May 2008 - 10:12 PM

ooohhh. CK is your initials. my bad, didn't read your whole message.

but still, what is that "symbol" you are trying to show? my first reaction would be to take a look at your username.

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you don't have; rather remember that what you have now was once among the things you only hoped for.”

#4 Gck2702


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Posted 17 May 2008 - 10:19 AM

The "Symbol" is half an abstract thing for the "G", but further on just a pretty picture (lol..) anyway, but thanks for the feedback!

#5 johnslmae


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Posted 18 May 2008 - 07:12 PM

The 'feel' of your logo is quite nice. However - the splashy effect of your 'ck' makes me search for a third or fourth letter whether or not one is actually present. I keep wanting to read 'LCK' of 'FCK'. Also, the scale difference between 'ck' and 'designs' might be problematic. Especially since the word 'designs' is hand drawn. When you scale that down to 1/2" you lose a lot of the graphic information. Maybe having designs at the same size, but ditching the had-drawn type would help? Just a thought.....

#6 ki0


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Posted 19 May 2008 - 06:18 AM

I like the overall style you used, very street art'ish. Great color combination as well. But as said with some of the other feedback, try simplifying your abstract "G" and I think the logo will look more professional.

#7 intrepidguppy


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Posted 19 May 2008 - 07:45 PM

Nice start. My suggestion would be to lose the extra (imo) elements that distract from the ck...or at least make the element complement the ck rather than obscuring the design.

Make it a bit smaller so as to fit the thread better too.
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#8 vince_86


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Posted 21 May 2008 - 05:24 AM

the logo is pretty nice and the graffiti style is nice also, although some shapes looks kind of random.

#9 MNDesign


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Posted 22 May 2008 - 09:52 AM

nice logo!
i would clean the left of "ck" - it might be a letter or a symbol - if that is not clear, leave it away...
try maybe other color-variations...

#10 grphx


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Posted 22 May 2008 - 10:03 AM

in my opinion it need some cleans up?

only my suggestion :)

#11 Neal


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Posted 22 May 2008 - 04:00 PM

I think it's pretty good looking for a first logo. One thing to keep in mind, and it depends on how deep you're planning to wade out on your own, but think about some of the things it'll go on: letterhead, envelopes, fax cover sheets, etc. Ask yourself, "will it shrink down well?" and "will it look like a logo on a fax, or will it look like a smudge?" Just some thoughts, shooting from the hip.

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