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Critique my Portfolio

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#1 oasis


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Posted 12 November 2004 - 11:49 PM

Please tell me what you think about my portfolio...


I look forward to seeing what you think. Thanks in advance.

#2 Dualbase


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Posted 18 November 2004 - 10:45 PM

the website is awfull, sorry but i think it's true.
the content hopefully is far far better than the contener, there's nice logos (i liked t-shirts ones).
please make a real website to show off your work ;)

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Dualbase design

#3 oasis


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Posted 19 November 2004 - 12:45 AM

LOL. Tripod is wicked tacky. Yeah I'm tring to learn some Flash stuff right now. Thanks for your honesty, exactly what I was looking for.

#4 Dualbase


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Posted 19 November 2004 - 01:13 AM

eheh that's right what about going here to find something without all those adds

good luck!

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Dualbase design

#5 teresa44mm


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Posted 19 November 2004 - 08:23 PM

I think you wanted critiszm on your portfolio correct and not the site? Well it is very difficult since the image quality is so low now. I actually believe that you need to highligh each item and clean them up a bit. for example on your oasis skateboard block logo, the logo is not in its final state- however there is something there. It apears that you have stopped a few comps short on each item. If you redid them and cleaned them up then I think you will be much more happy withyour work.

#6 oasis


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Posted 20 November 2004 - 02:50 AM

hmmm. On my computer they show up fine. I touched everything up in photoshop and saved it at 150dpi at very high quality.

Art you talking about the thumbnails or the image that the thumbs are linked to?


#7 teresa44mm


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Posted 20 November 2004 - 04:37 AM

I think its my server-

#8 Zoebe


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Posted 03 January 2005 - 04:31 AM

i think you have a great portfolio. how old are you? and is oasis skateboards a real company or just something you design for for fun? just wondering.

#9 oasis


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Posted 03 January 2005 - 05:08 AM


Thanks for looking. I just turned 18. I'm trying to put together a portfolio to get into SF Institute of Art or MCAD in Minneapolis. I started Oasis about 2 years ago and has been steadily growing ever since. Knock on wood.

Here is some stuff that will be coming out in our Spring '05 line...



Please link large images

#10 Frontend


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Posted 03 January 2005 - 05:48 AM

those are some wicked decks! :)

#11 El-Ree


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Posted 06 January 2005 - 10:22 PM

very nice
especially that 3rd zipper deck :)
interesting style.. and interesting face expresion you put on Bush in your site portfolio :)

#12 davegk


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Posted 12 January 2005 - 08:12 PM

I think your artwork is great!
In terms of graphic designing, there's room for improvement :p

I strongly suggest learning to use a vector graphics program if you haven't already. For logo designs, you should create them in Illustrator or another vector program so they can be resized infinitely without losing any quality. If you do create logos in photoshop, I would suggest using at least 600 dpi if you plan to print them at any point. This will allow you to enlarge them and maintain quality at least up to poster size.

As far as the actual site structure goes, you should browse some portfolios of various artists and designers and get a feel for the type of graphic organization that is used.

I think you have great artistic ability and that's what will matter most to schools when they look at your portfolio. However, they will also be looking at many other portfolios that may appear more organized and give a better overall presentation. Keep working on the site design and don't stop until you absolutely love it.

David Goldklang
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#13 oasis


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Posted 13 January 2005 - 05:09 AM

I use Illustrator a lot. Some of the logos on there are possibly from my Photoshop-only days. Do you mention that because they still look pixelated?

I think I might switch over to some html or flash and spiff the site up. When I put it together it was meant to represent my artwork and not web design capabilities, the lack of which it seams is difficult to overlook.

Thanks for all your comments!

#14 oasis


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Posted 28 January 2005 - 08:51 AM

OKAY guys I took your advice and made a better website and updated some of my work. PLEASE check it out and let me know what you think this time around...


Either one will get you the same result. Please view in Internet Explorer. Mahalos.

#15 chillgrill


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Posted 29 January 2005 - 09:03 PM

you really should work on the navigation or is that just my pc?

#16 oasis


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Posted 30 January 2005 - 01:12 AM

I'm not sure. There are some quircky things though, I think becasue I was using javascript for the buttons...

If it is beaceu you have a PC (like EVERYONE ELSE) I should probablye fix that. Thanks for looking.

#17 Neupix


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Posted 30 January 2005 - 02:06 AM

I really like your work and sense of style - the website looks good (its simple, clean and straight to the point), but a couple of things:

I noticed you said "Please view in IE". Thats a big no-no (at least in my eyes). I don't know if some elements don't work in other browsers, but considering that IE only shares about 48% of the browser market now, you could be losing 52% of your visitors. The REALLY odd thing is that your site doesn't work for me in IE, it only works in firefox. IE shows little black boxes in place of your thumbnail images. Compatibility is my pet peeve.

The copyright portion (About, Contact, Links, etc,) looks like you drew it by hand and scanned it in. It breaks every rule of typography and doesn't look so good. I would use the same typeface as in your logo or menu to do this part.

Hope that helps some :)
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#18 Darkmonkey


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Posted 30 January 2005 - 04:16 PM

Hmm, I can't get to the site. Just a load of html, and a blank screen.

But I love your work you posted above. Some of them decks are really original, and work very well. The T-Shirts are awesome aswell, very vibrant. Nice work ^_^
...they're watching you...
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#19 digitalamnesia


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Posted 30 January 2005 - 11:20 PM

Hey oasis,
the first link didn't work for me, but the second on did. I got into the San Francisco Art Institute (didn't go there), but I also sent in a portfolio for them and have a little knowledge of what works and what doesn't. I think you really want to make your self stand out on the site. There really is no sense of you and a school is going to want to know the unique things about you. I would add some text on the about me page and also had a little (keep it short) text on all the category pages (painting --why do you paint, what keeps you doing it, what is your philosopy on painting....just give them something to remember about you because they are going to look at a lot of portfolios). Another thing that schools really like to see is process. I know it sounds strange, but they don't always want to see the finished piece, stick up some quick figure sketches or unfinished drawings...you could have a whole section for this. Sometimes there is a spark of something in that early sketch that gets erased in the perfection that people strive for...the thing is, that spark might just be what gets you into school.

If you have anymore questions let me know...I think you have a great start you just need to add something to it that makes them remember you...you as a person..you as an artist. Good luck!

#20 oasis


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Posted 31 January 2005 - 04:45 AM



How would you suggest making it compatible to all/most browsers? I'm not a very technically savvy, but I will try removing the rollover javascript bottons. And as you suggested, I'm going to match up the fonts.


You are very right. I am a very humble person, however, and maybe now that I say that you will see how it shows in the website.

I wanted to do descriptions of each peice but I was in a bit of a time crunch, so that kind of fell through. I will add to the "about" section and maybe a couple footnotes in each field on what I like about them. You are very right about the process- I will try to dig some up.

Very good comments. MAHALOS

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