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Poll Mode Voting System - How does it work?

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#1 Digital_Rescue



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Posted 04 September 2009 - 09:56 PM

Could someone explain clearly rules of voting system in poll mode ?
I'm not familiar with it.

#2 sharie



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Posted 05 September 2009 - 01:22 AM

Could someone explain clearly rules of voting system in poll mode ?
I'm not familiar with it.

Hi there, hope all is well with you!

When I first voted I was a little confused also. What I did was right mouse click, you will get a choice to open link, click open link and then you can vote for the one you just clicked on. I don't know if that is how it works for everyone else but that is what I have to do to vote, maybe my pc settings make me do that , don't know but that is the only way I have found to vote on the design. Hope that helps


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#3 sharie



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Posted 05 September 2009 - 01:39 AM

I just looked and you have voted so my answer is of no help sorry


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#4 Digital_Rescue



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Posted 05 September 2009 - 11:05 AM

I'm not asking how to do this. I know how to click. (Don't take it as an offense Sharie)
I'm asking about rules. For example : Do all Registred users may vote or only those who particiepated in contest. I have voted only once in sea monster contest. I go to mini contest and bang! It highlights green +vote on my work too.
So is it possible that designer can vote on his own art ? I feel that is wrong.

For example when it comes to T-shirt and monster contest that is ok. Voting is rather fair.
When it comes to biggest prizes my experience tells me that than parties showing up, you can find threds on other forums like "help me to win, i need your votes". Even they can offer prizes for that. So new users come and vote.

I don't care about mini contest. What i care about are good rules for fututre. Maybe good rules are already established? i dont know . So thats the spirit of my question.


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Posted 08 September 2009 - 12:34 PM

Hey, Digital_Rescue, Thanks for a good question. I actually never had time to sit down and explain to our users how the poll works, so it is a good chance to finally do this. We might include some parts of this threads to our FAQ later.

When the contest is in poll mode all registered members have a right to vote. A member can vote for 1 design only. This means any registered member of DC community without any limit. I understand that some users may launch campaigns to ask people to vote for their designs, but I don't see any effective way to fight this. Let's just hope that our users are not like that. Besides, we can't ask for identity card before letting peopleto vote :) At this point the system allows to vote for your own design, though we will probably change that. You can vote for any design that has been submitted to the contest with the exception of designs marked as "example" or "eliminated" (they simply won't show up in the poll mode). When the contest is in poll mode every time you open the page the designs are listed in random order. This is made to avoid the last (or any other design) being always on the first place. So all designs are equally visible. You cannot see the score of the designs before you vote yourself. When you do vote you will finally see the designs with the results in descending order of votes cast for each design.

In case by the end of the poll two or more top designs have the same number of votes, the poll stays open till the first vote. This first (and the last) vote will determine the winner and will close the poll.

In thecase of MINI contest, I have marked the main prize winner as "eliminated" so that he would not show up in the poll. Since we need two more winners, we did some custom modifications to this particular poll and in the case of a draw it will stay open till we have two (instead of one normally) clear winners.

Hope this answers your question. If there is anything else you want to know, please, post here.


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Posted 08 September 2009 - 12:35 PM

if anybody has any suggestions on how to make the poll interface more user friendly ,please, post your ideas here!

#7 DesignsbyALX



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Posted 09 September 2009 - 05:23 PM

1st of all, i think it's ok as it is. I spend some time in other challenges (google/sketchup) and it's always the same issue. I have seen a lot of input and effort to change this for the better, but with no result. You can't please everyone, but i guess you have to accept that it's always possible for people to cheat. I agree it's bad that people vote for their own work, and i pay attention to this. I noticed that Resperus and Sharie are ok in this regard (not pointing my finger at somebody else), cause i got her vote for the seamonster, and i voted for her's ;). I think the bad fish will turn belly up eventually ;)

I think the way of accepting people to become an elite designer is great!
(How about my apply btw? ;) ) This will rule out some silly people ;). And i also support the elimination of copycats!

And i :( i still haven't deserved a T-shirt ..... guess i must try harder ;)

#8 Digital_Rescue



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Posted 09 September 2009 - 07:00 PM

Your sea monster was very good, but unfortunatly Sharie made really good one that time. Best among his own works here. I voted for him. Thats true and i said this to him that also true. But I also saw in right top corner that he voted already in Mini so what the difference.I also congratulate Resupresus in Pet Monster and Riley Gombart. I said that i voted for Resupresus but his work was also awsome #372, just not fit to pet monster. I like to admire good works personally. It is always occasion to get some good desginers advice too. And there is no false in it.


I was mentioned by contest holder as 2nd one so it is unfair to attack me so hardly. I was the one who pointed at system weak points but with no results. I have big hopes for long term activity at this forum and be part of its community. Do you want to crush me and kill my reputation? I put much effort and want many more. Please, don't treat me this way.


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Posted 16 September 2009 - 05:12 PM

some modifications have been made - you can't vote for your own design any more.

#10 Geko



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Posted 01 October 2009 - 04:23 AM

I like this last modification, just lets hope people keep voting for the "next" best design since we are our worst critics and our designs are most of the time the "best one". Disabling this encourage to looking for other designs and pick (at least in my case) the design we think is the best one. Lets hope people avoid voting for "not so good" designs just fur having a best chance to get in the best places. Love this polls

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