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#1 TammyHart


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Posted 14 September 2006 - 03:24 AM

I'm really bad about changing my web design every few months, but as a designer, i get tired of the same thing over and over again, and i'm always getting better with experience, and i want my site to reflect that. So want to open myself up to get totally burned, and ask you guys to critique my current look, and aybe give me a few pointers on how you think it could look more professional. I know i'm not happy with my logo, but found little inspiration for my plain jane name, but i absolutely love the colors. Orange is my new favorite color, and the roses just adds that bit of femininity, while the almost web 20 look makes it more professional. so, here it is!

:: Tammy Hart
:: tammyhartdesigns@gmail.com
:: msn: tish7701@hotmail.com

#2 vkw91


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Posted 14 September 2006 - 09:36 PM

portfolio now onlinewww.vkw91.co.uk

#3 karansinh


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Posted 15 September 2006 - 04:36 AM

Design's simple & cool it like that.

Home Page : Grey Bar left side - Needs some more touching, looks too plain. Make Text little bigger for more readibility. Add your expertise work details on home page. e.g. as you have in portfolio section and a picture related to it.

Portfolio : Maybe you can create different pages for all 3 sections and put pictures and details about the projects you have done rather than just diaplaying in the left grey bar.

For Sale : Pages are little offset then the white background.....miss-allignment.....and why there is so much space ?? the lenght...i have to scroll much down....

Contact : Take the form fields to the right from below the left grey bar....it will look better.......right now it looks confusing.

That are just my suggestions. happy Designing.

#4 Al3x


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Posted 15 September 2006 - 03:32 PM

I'm not realy liking when the gradient bar goes translucent and the arrow at the bottom or the Tammyhartdesigns text. The design overall is simple and easy to use which I like.

#5 discipline


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Posted 10 February 2007 - 06:38 PM

hi tammyhart,
i like your design, it´s clean and good selected colours. but instead of rose should be something else.
navigation looks stylish.
your portfolio is cool :) especially TC Admin.

#6 adambender


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Posted 11 February 2007 - 06:49 PM

I'm really bad about changing my web design every few months, but as a designer, i get tired of the same thing over and over again, and i'm always getting better with experience, and i want my site to reflect that. So want to open myself up to get totally burned, and ask you guys to critique my current look, and aybe give me a few pointers on how you think it could look more professional. I know i'm not happy with my logo, but found little inspiration for my plain jane name, but i absolutely love the colors. Orange is my new favorite color, and the roses just adds that bit of femininity, while the almost web 20 look makes it more professional. so, here it is!


Hi Tammy,

At first glance I really like the site concept. I like the color choices. I do have a few suggestions.

1) Your logo - you mentioned not liking it. Why not use your signature? I love the look of the hand written signature. It could easily be your logo/work mark. What do you think?

2) Organization - you have clearly thought about the organization (visually) in terms of making clear sections. However, I still feel like the content is hard to follow. Try thinking about what the most important element on your page is (i.e "the Boss of you page"). My eye bounces from place to place with no real order. You could try making the roses more of an focal point, maybe overlap them with some of the content to connect the disjointed pieces. Your design should have a clear flow.

3) Text - I feel your text could use more size contrast. For instance, your "Welcome" is smaller than "Web Design". Use contrast to give your viewer visual ques about what is most important. Right now, I feel like you are not distinguishing what is important or driving the viewer to your most important pieces of info.

4) Grey bar - I really feel it takes away from the design. Every element on the page should have a purpose.

5) Links - make sure that any links to other sites open new windows. You do not want to lose customers by them clicking away from your site.

6) Testimonials - This is a great thing. Good for you! This will definitely get you more sales. Good positioning.

7) The roses - be careful not to add elements because you personally like them. Keep your audience in mind at all times. That's not to say you shouldn't express your personality in your work. The first impression I get is that you do very feminine designs. You may want to be a little more "neutral", unless of course you only design a certain type of work.

Well, that's a load of my opinions. I hope they have been constructive. Overall, I like yoru design. Some tweaking will make it great!

Please post an update. I would love to see your progress.


#7 mattddesign


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Posted 02 March 2007 - 03:01 AM

Really clean, like the color scheme, but it feels like to much to look at at once. It looks to busy or cluttered?

Over all i like it, its easy to navigate.

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