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Site Designs...Which one do you like best?

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#1 _Redrum


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Posted 03 August 2005 - 05:24 AM

I'm making a unique looking website based on technology, creativity, and discovery. I've had lots of ideas and am unable to chose a "winner" which I will actually create and upload. The project is a secret for now so I would rather not discuss it, but please if you could comment on these and, more importantly, tell me which one you like best.






#2 uniquestreak


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Posted 03 August 2005 - 06:04 AM

I like number 1 and 4... nice job

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#3 pentool


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Posted 03 August 2005 - 08:26 AM

I like #2 and #4.

#1 is not my favorite because as a template it looks too plain and empty. I don't see too many visual interests - if any at all. Altough I do like the color coded menu ideas on the right side.
#2 I like because it gave me the impression of a research/documentation/library, etc about the past. Like where you can dig up discoveries by people in the past. The shape and tab(s) of the main layout complements the little tabs on the pictures. And I like the orange combo - maybe not with the dark blue BG.
#3 altough it kinda tries to show some techno, to me it looks rather amateurish (sorry, don't mean to ruin your creative feelings). I especially don't like the type and the fact that the curvy bars/shapes in the middle are not smooth at all but rather jaggy. I guess I just don't like it based on my personal taste.
#4 I think I like this, too because the interest created by the rotated type on the left side and for me it gives an illusion (at least some) of a ticket or some sort of tab. I do think, however, that the blue is maybe a tad too washed out (according to my Compaq laptop).

#4 nyxxie


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Posted 03 August 2005 - 10:11 AM

I like 1,2,4... Not three for the same reasons that Pentool said. And I don't like the colors, I don't like predominately black sites. And the orange/yellows are too bright.

I like 4 the best, 2 the second best, and one lastly.

Nice sites though!

#5 red


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Posted 03 August 2005 - 02:23 PM

I like 2 the best. Same reason as Pentool. I like the folder or index card like approach (it gives a more organized structure to your contents)

#6 _Redrum


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Posted 03 August 2005 - 10:22 PM

Yeah, three was my least favorite as well in its static form. You can't see it now but all that stuff would be very dynamic, not just standing in place, but I guess when all the comotion stops it will still be pretty dull. The rough edges are just because its a rough draft btw, I am making these quickly so I don't waste time.

That color coded menu thing, I have to say (though it might sound cocky), is probably the best idea I've had so far. I agree that the site is plain, it was bothering me and I wanted to see if anyone else thought the same. I actually tried to make a version where the main content area changes to the color of the corresponding tab but it was too overwhelming on the eyes.

I'm thinking, now, of maybe sticking in an image slideshow or color strip on the right side (thin vertically), just to add a point of interest. Will post that later.

uniquestreak, nyxxie, red, thank you very much for your comments as well, I value your ratings more than you know :)

I have two additional ones. Do you guys think that it would be more impressive if the site was all technical looking like in #6 or more design based?

BTW, #5 is not the actual site, it is a loading screen which opens from the middle to reveal the actual site.



#7 pentool


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Posted 04 August 2005 - 01:24 AM

I bet most people would vote for #6. I don't. It's still nice though and you do have good ideas (...if you copied it from a tut, then you don't :-)

The reason #6 is not my favorite because there are so many tutorials and sites that resembles those hi-tech gadget looking gizmos that sooner or later they become boring. They're not original any more (to me, at least). However, if you can come up with some original idea how they interlock, move, etc it could work. Also, it more gives me the impression of a design from a Photoshop tutorial.

So far #5 is my favorite - except from that screaming green color. I like it because it's more like a "designed" interface as opposed to a "Photoshop-Tutorial"-like one (as in #6). It has shapes which seem to interact with one another as they laid out. Not only that, but because of the shades of grays, and how they are arranged, it gives a 3D feel. As if the darker grays are closer to you and the lighter ones are receding. In other words, it presents a nice atmoshperic perspective. The green, however, spelled CITRUS for me. I'd change that to hmmm.... dunno, something else. Maybe some dark red or rusty feel?

#8 _Redrum


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Posted 04 August 2005 - 03:16 AM

Hmm, interesting! Well, I can tell you for sure that #6 is definitely not a PS tutorial. Though I do see what you mean, and I think thats why I dropped it in the first place and began the more 'designy' looking sites. I brough it back again to show here just to get that question answered, "whether it is a better style". It would, of course, bevery dynamic if it were made fully (i.e. everything would move around and be interactive).

To be honest, I am surprised that you like #5 more than the others, because it was one of the first ones I drew up and, though I liked it, I didn't think I would be using it. But nonetheless, thanks for the input. :)

Others are still welcome to give C&C and general opinion.

#9 Mr. Plague

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Posted 04 August 2005 - 05:49 AM

Great Templates, I found number 4 to be very versitile in its color, more so than the others 3. Also I like number 6 very creative, the bar code looks cool. Red accent color works for me.

Keep up the great work.
Tanner - I Am Canadian

#10 illumina



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Posted 04 August 2005 - 10:57 AM

Number 4 is the best.

#11 browncat


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Posted 10 August 2005 - 09:57 PM

I like 4 best. I think the blue needs to be a little lighter or brighter—needs more contrast.


#12 donn


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Posted 13 August 2005 - 11:09 PM

I like 2 best, the left side of number 4 is a bit too loud for my taste

Good job

#13 belladonna



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Posted 14 August 2005 - 01:51 AM

I like number 5 the best if you have already built yourself a nice portfolio, with a good amount of samples, but if you are just starting, don´t have much samples and want to show people your talents and technics, maybe number 6 would be a better choice :)
Julieta Garcia .:view my work:.
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#14 _Redrum


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Posted 14 August 2005 - 03:22 AM

Its not a portfolio lol :p But thx for your input anyways

#15 Neupix


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Posted 14 August 2005 - 04:25 AM

Design wise I would say #1 and #4. Because I don't know the context of where this template will be used, or who the target audience of it is, I wouldn't really take my opinion as a deciding factor.

If for instance, your target audience is mainly males interested in technology, I would go with #4 because of the blue colour and the straight lines. If you are going for a more neutral male/female crowd #1 will work because of the use of more colour and the more rounded corners.

Just my two cents... ;)
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#16 PR0DiGiE


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Posted 19 August 2005 - 04:20 PM

I prefer #1 because of the clean professionalism, but it lacks the contrast and depth of the layered graphics in the other concepts. I has a lot of potential though.
#2 is very text heavy, and there are a lot of things fighting for your attention. The nav is one of the last things I noticed.
#3 could be an option if you utilized the bottom half more, the line work is interesting.
#4 is cool, but I don't know how unique it is. The font choice/barcode combination is a little overdone, and the page doesn't quite strike me as "technical".
Overall, I'd experiment with some different color combinations. The blue and yellow is very striking, but usually comes off as distracting. Could you also put some Lorem Ipsum in for text so we can have a better feel of how it will look? You have some good ideas going through the concepts though.

#17 rjzinger


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Posted 31 August 2005 - 05:14 PM

Initial impression is that I like number 2 the best. Number three looks like something from StarTrek... :) Number 4 seems crowded and the blues are too close together.


#18 WGradl


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Posted 02 September 2005 - 12:10 AM

Number 4 is the one I like. It can cover pretty much anything you put up. Whether you are going for a professional look or retro... that design can cover anything.

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