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How to use Dreamweaver CS6 web font manager

dreamweaver cs6 web font manager

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#1 DesGuru


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Posted 13 October 2012 - 06:52 PM

1. Download a font kit from FontSquirrel.com and and unzip the font folder.
2. Go to Modify- > Web Fonts, and click on Add Font button from Web Fonts Manager dialog window.
3. Use the Edit Web Font dialog to select the font types. FontSquirrel’s font kits has all four font types that you need. You can link all of the font types at once if you save the four font types in one folder. Then you can simply click on the folder icon under the Edit Web Font dialog to select the first font type. Dreamweaver will then automatically lookup and load all four types.
4. Use the font in a style rule definition. Any fonts you add using the Web Fonts Manager are automatically included in the Font-family drop-down list in the CSS Rule definition dialog. This makes it easy to add those fonts to your style rule definitions.
5 After defining a style rule that with your new font, you can spply it just like any other style is applied in Dreamweaver.However you wont see your font displayed unless you click the preview or Live button.
6 When adding fonts this way, Dreamweaver will automatically create folder called webfonts and it will store your fonts there.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: dreamweaver cs6, web font manager

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