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#1 robian


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Posted 20 May 2008 - 10:57 AM


I think i need to update the work on there as soon as i get some better stuff, but i like the simplicity of it all, what are others thoughts?

#2 tomas.brolen


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Posted 20 May 2008 - 12:07 PM

Hi there Rob!
Overall I think you have a very nice site!

(One minus is that it's a tablebased design. If you are familiar with xhtml/css and tableless design I really think you should consider re-coding it.)

One thing that kind of confused me was the links for the about and contact info. If it was my site I should lose the "firefields design" part in the link text and just have about and contact or maybe about us and contact us. I would also lose the slashes.

The information part on the left feels a bit unfinished/unpolished. Maybe change the type or spice up the text and/or the unordered list with graphics/icons... don't know but something.

But as I said overall it's a very nice little site. Keep up the good work!


#3 robian


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Posted 20 May 2008 - 12:21 PM

thanks tomas, i think your right about the writing on the left ill get on that... but im not to sure about it been tablebased i put it together with css! the only table is where the buttons are! could you elaborate what you meen by tablebased? also i think your right 'about us' and 'contact us' are pretty universily recognised i probably shouldnt mess with those.

#4 tomas.brolen


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Posted 20 May 2008 - 12:32 PM

... but im not to sure about it been tablebased i put it together with css! the only table is where the buttons are! could you elaborate what you meen by tablebased?

Sorry about that, wasn't your code I was looking at, my fault. :)


#5 ki0


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Posted 22 May 2008 - 01:22 AM

hey robian i just checked out your site, some great work you got going there! i especially like that "anyeong" korean bar logo, i think you really captured that korean feel with clean use of colors. where's the bar located? maybe i'll get boozey there one day, hehe.

but overall i like it how your website is easy to navigate, no clicking just scroll over, and well organized :)

#6 robian


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Posted 22 May 2008 - 10:48 AM

Sorry about that, wasn't your code I was looking at

thants okay tomas, thansk for the tips you did give me!

where's the bar located? maybe i'll get boozey there one day

actually, thats one of the projects i still have on there that i just made up!! its not a real bar, im sure you have no shortage of soju sorces tho!!

#7 ki0


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Posted 22 May 2008 - 10:53 AM

haha for sure, soju's so friggin cheap!

ah a conceptual project, i've got a lot of those goin too, they're great for practicing your design skills and your imagination. anyways gr8 job!

#8 KaiJein


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Posted 23 March 2009 - 05:58 AM

heh ^__^ nice site very simple and cool

#9 df-shorty


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Posted 23 March 2009 - 10:17 AM

its simple, does the thing :D

#10 tysoncadenhead


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Posted 22 April 2009 - 06:47 PM

I really like the site and I think you're doing some solid work. My one critique design-wise is the sharp contrast between the square box where the portfolio items are showing up on the right and the organic teardrop shape behind it. I think maybe if you made the box that the portfolio items are loading into a little more organic, the design would jive a little better.
Tyson Cadenhead

#11 oviska


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Posted 20 May 2009 - 11:47 AM

I also like the simplistic approach, but i must agree with tysoncadenhead, you should do something with that contrast between rectangular shapes and the curves, it looks really odd.

Also a personal question :D, when i saw the name firefields, i was expecting something based around the orange color. What the idea behind the name?


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