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#1 KorteX


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Posted 22 December 2005 - 12:29 PM

I think i did pretty good on this, im proud of it.
Posted Image

#2 Uniment1


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Posted 22 December 2005 - 02:58 PM

Nice man very "corporate" looking looks very professional....then again thats what were supposed to be :D Overall nice work
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#3 KorteX


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Posted 22 December 2005 - 06:17 PM

Thank you! :)
Heres another version i made.
Posted Image

#4 Kalin


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Posted 22 December 2005 - 08:19 PM

I really like the colour choice. The colours are very professional looking, however I feel the overall design would have been more effective in a circular or oval shape. In your first design there are 2 areas where the design does not flow smoothly. (the areas where the S ends) These are trapped spaces which should be avoided in all design work. In your second design, I think it would have paid off to work with the already apparent oval shape which the s is making. I don't feel that the shape you have chosen here for your logo does it any justice. Your typography is also suffering from type crash, giving it the feeling of being jammed together. I think a bit more spacing between words and letters here would do this logo a world of good. Overall, I think you have done a fairly decent job here and with a few changes you would have yourself an outstanding design. I hope my constructive criticism does not offend you... that is not my intention. I just hope it helps you to better your already apparent design skills. :)

#5 KorteX


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Posted 22 December 2005 - 08:38 PM

I appreciate it, Thanks.

#6 ivancruz


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Posted 24 December 2005 - 04:37 PM

i liked the first one, really nice
"Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I can accomplish" by Michelangelo

#7 Xavic


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Posted 27 December 2005 - 12:01 AM

I really like the second one. The color choice is excellent and the gray streaks on the "S" give it nice movement. The only problem that I have with the logo is that it is a little rough around the edges in some parts.

The layout of the business card is good and you did a nice job of maintaining a professional look without making it dull. I would try experimenting with different typography for the information though; maybe something a bit thinner?

#8 Neupix


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Posted 27 December 2005 - 01:41 AM


The second one is much better looking. It has a much more corporate feeling to it, and the business card looks really good. I also agree with Xavic, try playing with the typography in both the card/letterhead a little bit more. The standard Arial settings (I'm guessing thats what it is?) takes away from your design.

The card in the first one doesn't seem to work for me. The shape and curves of the "S" don't seem to match up with the straight lines. Additionally, the gaps between the "S" and the solid white bars seem out of place. In some instances this gap could be used to create an effect of closure, but it really doesn't work here.

Overall I think you have done a great job. Second version is much better :)
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#9 dorian


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Posted 30 December 2005 - 02:36 AM

To be very frank, I don't like the font, because it's not easily readable, and it does not appear very fresh and clean.
About the symbol, the first one is nothing original, and the 2nd is a lot better, but the strange cut-out shape disturbs me.
And another thing, be careful when you alter the logo on the business card, it induces confusion and slows the brand recognition.
keep up.

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